Thursday 20 January 2022


   Full view of the delicate Pinwheel Doily - a free crochet pattern from Sweet Nothings Crochet

The Pinwheel Doily takes me back to my childhood. Were you one of those that ran all around with the multi colored light pinwheel 'handheld kites' ? This doily pattern also works best with a really light yarn - to showcase the laciness of this beauty.
The other beauty of this pattern is that you can make it using any yarn, with a suitable hook.

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Materials used : Today I’ve used about 60 gms Doli cotton thread with a 1.3 mm crochet hook
For Indians : You could use Anchor , Red ros ; Red rose metallic or  unbranded  knitting cotton as well 
General yarn info : Today’s yarn is available only in India, but is not specific for this pattern.
For this project, use any yarn with a suitable hook to make this project to any size.  

Difficulty level : Advanced

Abbreviations used : using U.S terminology
sc : single crochet            hdc : Half Double crochet
ch : chain                         ch-sp : chain space
sp : space                        rep : Repeat
hk : hook                          lp (s) : loop(s)
yo : yarn over                   sl-st : slip stitch     
dc : Double crochet

Stitches used :  Using U.S terminology
Starting slip knot :
Starting slip knot 1 or the Sloppy Slip knot :
What is a slip stitch :
What is a chain stitch ?
Single Crochet : Sc : yo, insert hk into st ; yo (2 lps on hk); yo, draw through both lps.  One sc made.  Check out the video at
First stitch for Single Crochet : This is how I like to start my row of sc. Check out the video at

Instruction information  Using U.S terminology
Please note that I start all my rounds with a ch 1 turning chain for ease.
Please check the top of this blog for a video tutorial on all the stitches needed to make this full project.
Please read through all my detailed notes before you pick up your hook. 
This helps you get an idea of what we’re creating and what notes / videos to look out for.

I do not claim that this pattern is my original one - but these pattern notes are my original notes as I make my own project.
See what the Pinwheel Doily looks like
Magic circle :
Double Crochet : dc : yo, insert hk into st ; yo (3 lps on hk);
[yo, draw through 2 lps] twice.  One dc made. 
Check out the video at
Chainless start for Double Crochet : I dislike the ch-2 / ch – 3 start, and this is what I do to start my row of dc.
Check out the video at

Start Round 1 : with a magic circle and work 18 dc in it.
Join with a sl-st to to the 1st st.

Round 2 : dc in the 1st 2 dc ;
(ch 3, dc in the next 3 dc) ;
rep (to) all around till the last dc ;
dc in the last dc ;
Join with a sl-st to to the 1st st.

Double crochet 2-tog : dc 2-tog :  [yo, insert hk in st or ch-sp, yo and pull up a lp ; yo and draw through 2 lps] 2 times (3 lps on hk) ; 

{yo, draw through 2 lps on hk} 2 times.  One dc 2-tog made. 

This video tutorial at shows you how to use the dc 2-tog to decrease.  

Sometimes we work the dc 2-tog in the same stitch, to use as a decorative stitch. Visit this video tutorial at

In our following round, we will work a dc 2-tog, but there's a slight twist.
We work it over the 1st and 3rd dc, skipping the dc in the centre.
This means that the 1st leg of the dc 2-tog is worked over the 1st st, skip st #2, and the 2nd leg of the dc 2-tog is worked over st #3. Got it?

Foe convenience let's call this our Special dc 2-tog or Sp dc 2-tog

Round 3 : sl-st into the 1st ch-3 sp ; 
3 dc  in the same ch-3 sp ;
*ch 3, Sp dc 2-tog over the next 3 dc ;
ch 3, 3 dc in the next ch-3 sp* ;
rep *to* all around ;
ch 3, & join with a sl-st to the 1st st.

Round 4 : dc in the 1st dc ; 
*(ch 2, sk next 2 dc, 3 dc in the next ch-3 sp) ;
ch 2, dc in the next dc 2-tog ;
ch 2, dc in the next ch-3 sp ;
ch 2, dc in the next dc* ;
rep *to* all around ;
ch 2, & join with a sl-st to the 1st st.

Detail of first few rounds of Pinwheel Doily

Round 5 : sl-st into the 1st ch-2 sp ; 
dc in the same 1st ch-2 sp ;
ch 2, dc in the next dc ;
*(ch 2, sk next 2 dc, 3 dc in the next ch-2 sp) ;
[ch 2, dc in the next ch-2 sp] ;
rep [to] 2 times ;
ch 2, dc in the next dc* ;
rep *to* all around ;
ch 2, & join with a sl-st to the 1st st.

Round 6 : sl-st into the 1st ch-2 sp ; 
dc in the same 1st ch-2 sp ;
[ch 2, dc in the next ch-2 sp] ;
ch 2, dc in the next dc ;
*(ch 2, sk next 2 dc, 3 dc in the next ch-2 sp) ;
rep [to] 4 times ;
ch 2, dc in the next dc* ;
rep *to* all around ;
ch 2, & join with a sl-st to the 1st st.

Round 7 : sl-st into the 1st ch-2 sp ; 
dc in the same 1st ch-2 sp ;
[ch 2, dc in the next ch-2 sp] ;
rep [to] 2 times ;
ch 2, dc in the next dc ;
*(ch 2, sk next 2 dc, 3 dc in the next ch-2 sp) ;
rep [to] 5 times ;
ch 2, dc in the next dc* ;
rep *to* all around ;
ch 2, & join with a sl-st to the 1st st.

Round 8 : sl-st into the 1st ch-2 sp ; 
dc in the same 1st ch-2 sp ;
[ch 2, dc in the next ch-2 sp] ;
rep [to] 3 times ;
ch 2, dc in the next dc ;
*(ch 2, sk next 2 dc, 3 dc in the next ch-2 sp) ;
rep [to] 6 times ;
ch 2, dc in the next dc* ;
rep *to* all around ;
ch 2, & join with a sl-st to the 1st st.

Round 9 : sl-st into the 1st ch-2 sp ; 
dc in the same 1st ch-2 sp ;
[ch 2, dc in the next ch-2 sp] ;
rep [to] 4 times ;
ch 2, dc in the next dc ;
*(ch 2, sk next 2 dc, 3 dc in the next ch-2 sp) ;
rep [to] 7 times ;
ch 2, dc in the next dc* ;
rep *to* all around ;
ch 2, & join with a sl-st to the 1st st.

Detail of the Pinwheel Doily

Round 10 : sl-st into the 1st ch-2 sp ; 
dc in the same 1st ch-2 sp ;
[ch 2, dc in the next ch-2 sp] ;
rep [to] 5 times ;
ch 2, dc in the next dc ;
*(ch 2, sk next 2 dc, 3 dc in the next ch-2 sp) ;
rep [to] 8 times ;
ch 2, dc in the next dc* ;
rep *to* all around ;
ch 2, & join with a sl-st to the 1st st.

Round 11 : sl-st into the 1st ch-2 sp ; 
dc in the same 1st ch-2 sp ;
[ch 2, dc in the next ch-2 sp] ;
rep [to] 6 times ;
ch 2, dc in the next dc ;
*(ch 2, sk next 2 dc, 3 dc in the next ch-2 sp) ;
rep [to] 9 times ;
ch 2, dc in the next dc* ;
rep *to* all around ;
ch 2, & join with a sl-st to the 1st st.

Round 12 : sl-st into the 1st ch-2 sp ; 
dc in the same 1st ch-2 sp ;
[ch 2, dc in the next ch-2 sp] ;
rep [to] 7 times ;
ch 2, dc in the next dc ;
*(ch 2, sk next 2 dc, 3 dc in the next ch-2 sp) ;
rep [to] 10 times ;
ch 2, dc in the next dc* ;
rep *to* all around ;
ch 2, & join with a sl-st to the 1st st.

Round 13 : sl-st into the 1st ch-2 sp ; 
dc in the same 1st ch-2 sp ;
[ch 2, dc in the next ch-2 sp] ;
rep [to] 6 times ;
*{ch 2, 2 dc in the next ch-2 sp ; 
dc in the next dc} ;
(ch 2, sk next 2 dc, 3 dc in the next ch-2 sp) ;
rep [to] 10 times* ;
rep *to* all around ;
ch 2, & join with a sl-st to the 1st st.

Before we move further, let's just see where we are headed.
As you can see we are making a pinwheel and we've started the decrease for the pattern, which will end in the pinnacle of the pinwheel.
The sides of our pinwheel are determined by the 3-dc sets.
To accentuate the sides of the pinwheel, we will work the wonderful Solomon's knot stitch in between the 3-dc sets.  Got it?
So the width of the Solomon's knot stitch(es) will be the width of the stitches we are skipping.

In the following round, we are skipping 3 sts - and we will work 2 Solomon knot stitches to cover that space.

Detail view of Solomon knot stitch for the Pinwheel Doily
Round 14 : sl-st into the 1st ch-2 sp ; 
dc in the same 1st ch-2 sp ;
[ch 2, dc in the next ch-2 sp] ;
rep [to] 5 times ;
*{ch 2, 2 dc in the next ch-2 sp ; dc in the next dc} ;
2 Solomon knot stitches over the next 3 sets of sts (i.e. 2 dc ; ch 2 sp & 3 dc) ;
3 dc in the next ch-2 sp ;
rep [to] 9 times* ;
rep *to* all around ;
ch 2, & join with a sl-st to the 1st st.

After that first round of getting  the Solomon knot stitches in, the following rounds will be easier.
We will be moving the 3-dc sts, and filling that space with Solomon knot stitches. 
In this round we will be joining the earlier knots with the ones we are making in this round.  So work 2 knots, join ; then 2 knots and back to the pinwheel pattern
Easy enough, right?

Round 15 : sl-st into the 1st ch-2 sp ; 
dc in the same 1st ch-2 sp ;
[ch 2, dc in the next ch-2 sp] ;
rep [to] 4 times ;
*{ch 2, 2 dc in the next ch-2 sp ; dc in the next dc} ;
2 Solomon knot stitches ; sc join to the earlier round ;
2 Solomon knot stitches ;
3 dc in the next ch-2 sp ;
rep [to] 8 times* ;
rep *to* all around ;
ch 2, & join with a sl-st to the 1st st.

That was easy, wasn't it.. and see how beautifully we've go the ends of our pinwheel showing.. So we're going to do more of he same thing from before, all the way till we reach the pinnacle of the last3-dc set 

Round 16 : sl-st into the 1st ch-2 sp ; 
dc in the same 1st ch-2 sp ;
[ch 2, dc in the next ch-2 sp] ;
rep [to] 3 times ;
*{ch 2, 2 dc in the next ch-2 sp ; dc in the next dc} ;
(2 Solomon knot stitches ; sc join to the earlier round) ;
rep (to) once ;
2 Solomon knot stitches ;
3 dc in the next ch-2 sp ;
rep [to] 7 times* ;
rep *to* all around ;
ch 2, & join with a sl-st to the 1st st.

Round 17 : sl-st into the 1st ch-2 sp ; 
dc in the same 1st ch-2 sp ;
[ch 2, dc in the next ch-2 sp] ;
rep [to] 2 times ;
*{ch 2, 2 dc in the next ch-2 sp ; dc in the next dc} ;
(2 Solomon knot stitches ; sc join to the earlier round) ;
rep (to) 2 times ;
2 Solomon knot stitches ;
3 dc in the next ch-2 sp ;
rep [to] 6 times* ;
rep *to* all around ;
ch 2, & join with a sl-st to the 1st st.

Round 18 : sl-st into the 1st ch-2 sp ; 
dc in the same 1st ch-2 sp ;
[ch 2, dc in the next ch-2 sp] ;
rep [to] once ;
*{ch 2, 2 dc in the next ch-2 sp ; dc in the next dc} ;
(2 Solomon knot stitches ; sc join to the earlier round) ;
rep (to) 3 times ;
2 Solomon knot stitches ;
3 dc in the next ch-2 sp ;
rep [to] 5 times* ;
rep *to* all around ;
ch 2, & join with a sl-st to the 1st st.

Round 19 : sl-st into the 1st ch-2 sp ; 
dc in the same 1st ch-2 sp ;
[ch 2, dc in the next ch-2 sp] ;
*{ch 2, 2 dc in the next ch-2 sp ; dc in the next dc} ;
(2 Solomon knot stitches ; sc join to the earlier round) ;
rep (to) 4 times ;
2 Solomon knot stitches ;
3 dc in the next ch-2 sp ;
rep [to] 4 times* ;
rep *to* all around ;
ch 2, & join with a sl-st to the 1st st.

Round 20 : sl-st into the 1st ch-2 sp ; 
dc in the same 1st ch-2 sp ;
*{ch 2, 2 dc in the next ch-2 sp ; dc in the next dc} ;
(2 Solomon knot stitches ; sc join to the earlier round) ;
rep (to) 5 times ;
2 Solomon knot stitches ;
3 dc in the next ch-2 sp ;
[ch 2, dc in the next ch-2 sp]
rep [to] 2 times* ;
rep *to* all around ;
ch 2, & join with a sl-st to the 1st st.

Round 21 : sl-st into the 1st ch-2 sp ; 
2 dc in the same ch-2 sp ; dc in the next dc ;
*(2 Solomon knot stitches ; sc join to the earlier round) ;
rep (to) 6 times ;
2 Solomon knot stitches ;
3 dc in the next ch-2 sp ;
[ch 2, dc in the next ch-2 sp]
rep [to] once* ;
rep *to* all around ;
ch 2, & join with a sl-st to the 1st st.

Round 22 : dc in the 1st st ; 
*(2 Solomon knot stitches ; sc join to the earlier round) ;
rep (to) 7 times ;
2 Solomon knot stitches ;
3 dc in the next ch-2 sp ;
[ch 2, dc in the next ch-2 sp]
{ch 2, 2 dc in the next ch-2 sp ; dc in the next dc}* ;
rep *to* all around  till the last ch-2 sp ;
2 dc in the last ch-2 sp & join with a sl-st to the 1st st.

To start the next round, we need to be at the 1st dc of this 3-dc set.  
We are at the last dc of the set.  Choose any way to get tot hat 1st dc.
What I did was turn my work around and sl-st (from the back of work) to the 1st dc.

Round 23 : dc in the 1st st ; 
*(2 Solomon knot stitches ; sc join to the earlier round) ;
rep (to) 8 times ;
2 Solomon knot stitches ;
3 dc in the next ch-2 sp ;
{ch 2, 2 dc in the next ch-2 sp ; dc in the next dc}* ;
rep *to* all around  till the last ch-2 sp ;
2 dc in the last ch-2 sp & join with a sl-st to the 1st st.

Once again we need to backtrack our way to the 1st dc of he 3-dc set.

Round 24 : dc in the 1st st ; 
*(2 Solomon knot stitches ; sc join to the earlier round) ;
rep (to) 9 times ;
2 Solomon knot stitches ;
3 dc in the next ch-2 sp* ;
rep *to* all around  till the last ch-2 sp ;
2 dc in the last ch-2 sp & join with a sl-st to the 1st st.

We will now work a round of just Solomon knots all around.
Sl-st into the 1st knot of the 1st st to start.

Round 25 : sl-st in the 1st knot st ; sc in the same 1st knot ;
*(2 Solomon knot stitches ; sc join to the earlier round) ;
rep (to) all around & join with a sl-st to the 1st st.

Now here's the cool part.  You can repeat Round 25 one more more times, if you want a larger doily.  OR you can work the last round with picots and finish it all up.
This picot round is complicated.
We work 1 Solomon knot stitch (which ends with an sc) and there we work 3 picots that all sl-st into that sc.  This completes the 1st part of our stitch.
We then work the 2nd Solomon knot stitch which joins to the earlier not with a sc.

I've worked three 5-ch picots.

Detail view of the picot stitches around the Pinwheel Doily

How to work a picot stitch : Traditionally for a ch-3 picot, you work (ch 3, sl-st in 3rd ch from hook).  For a ch-5 picot, you will do (ch 5, sl-st in 5th ch from hook).  

Here’s a great video

Last Round : sl-st in the 1st knot st ; sc in the same 1st knot ;
*(1 Solomon knot stitch + 5 picot ; 
1 Solomon knot stitch +sc join to the earlier round) ;
rep (to) all around & join with a sl-st to the 1st st.

Fasten off & weave in ends.

Block as required.

Enjoyed this ?? I sure did.. Come back right here for more freebie patterns

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